3b1b, Manim - Mathematical animation engine
He has also very good youtube channel. His webpage.
DAIR.AI - Democratizing Artificial Intelligence Research, Education, and Technologies
- Link for DAIR.AI github
- Good to look at: “ML Papers of The Week”.
pm4py - Process Mining for Python
A set of tools and features that enable you to analyze business processes based on log data.
Machine Learning for Tradings/ XTB xStation5 API
- Deep Reinforcement Learning: Building a Trading Agent ‘/https://github.com/stefan-jansen’
- Stefan Jansen Webpage
- AI4Finance Foundation
- FinRL-Trading
- robcarver17/pysystemtrade-Interesting/Popular
- ddalgotrader
- Great API for XTB xStation5: pawelkn/xapi-python
- Others XTB xStation: